Audrey Post

“Name?” A male voice said.

“Audrey” A female voice said.

“Full name?” The man sighed.

“Audrey Gwen Post” The female said with no emotion.

“Miss Post please tell us why you are in prison?” The male replied pushing a microphone towards the female.\

My name is Audrey. It is 1933. I am in the Polk Correctional Institution in North Carolina Durham.

I sighed. “The story of how I got here is long story. It all began in 1929 on an October morning. It was just turning fall and I was a newlywed. I married young, I never loved the man nor did I really care about him. He came home as I was cooking dinner, he sat down with a look of disapproval on his face. Asking what was wrong he told me that he was fired. I only wed him because of his income, he was a CEO of a major company. I was not upset because I knew we had savings and if he got fired he could get a new job and everything would be fine. But sadly, It was not.” I faded off.

“Please continue Miss Post..” The reporter said.

“They called it black thursday. A day that my life started to fall apart. The stock market crashed that is why he lost his job. We also lost our house after that sick man decided it was a grand idea to waste every penny in those stupid stocks. I told him it was a dumb idea but no one in this wasteland of a town ever listens to me!” I said in a hash tone.

“Your files say that you killed him. Is this true?” The reporter raised an eyebrow.

“Yes and I won’t deny it. Hit em’ over the head with a pan when he told me our house was being taken’. Then I ran off with a friend. Nina was her name. She was hit hard by the stock crash too. Her whole street lost everything had to go out and steal food. That was me a Ninas plan too. To steal.” I smirked at him.

“Did you have a home?” He asked sitting up in his chair.

“No sir, Me and Nina hopped from place to place. Never had a income because no place would hire two female wanted criminals. It was very hard to find food and money like everyone else. We became pretty famous in Durham. Still am.” I sighed.

“Alright what did you do when the new president came into office?” The reporter sat back down into his chair.

“Well I never cared for who was in office or who wasn’t. I was a partier, I danced and was out all the time didn’t have time for politics. But when President Roosevelt came in.. It sure seemed better for the rest of them. But for two crooks we didn’t get crap. We hid our faces to go get food and slept in a car we had stole a year or so back.” I laughed and stood. ¨May I go now?¨

The reporter shook his head. ¨Audrey the court says you must do community service. But you must stay here. We are making you write a blog about your stay here. You have to do it-¨

This is post number one on this blog. You guys know me now. My name is Audrey Gwen Post I am writing this from Polk Correctional Institution in North Carolina Durham. If Nina is reading this, Just know I miss you. I am sorry I left you.~



Lawrence, Sarah. “Murders, Gambling, and Suicides: Crime in Seattle during the Depression.” Crime in Seattle. 2010. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

Sullivan, Laura. “Experts: Bad Economies Don’t Cause Crime Waves.” NPR. NPR, 20 Nov. 2008. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

“Women and the Great Depression.” Women and the Great Depression. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

By Emily H

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