Callie Ann Louise

Hi my name is Callie Ann Louise. I am 15 years old, I have a 2 year old brother, Jack,  a 5 year old brother, Charles,  and an 8 year old sister, Molly. I live on a farm with my family in Charlotte North Carolina. We have a beautiful house on our farm, and our…

Christina Yang

Life is hard. I am shamed by society. I am a single mother of two little girls, their names are Clarence who is seven and Meredith who is ten, my name is Christina Yang. We live in a medium sized house, we have electricity and running water. I am the head chef of a restaurant-…

Linda Bradford

September 1929: My name is Linda Katera Bradford, I live in Tar Heel North Carolina and I have been married for 6 years. I have two sons, Jacob Cole Bradford who is turning five in a week from now and a newborn, Matthew Taylor Bradford. Jacob goes to school about a mile away during the…